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Quality Education – How far can it take you?

Quality Education – How far can it take you?

Dec, 16 2020

Quality Education – How far can it take you?
Quality education is the right of all. Dozens of policies worldwide have covered this subject. Right from primary school to postgraduate education, enrollments have been increasing since the past few decades. Pursuing an education is not enough. The quality of education is equally important when a kid sets about securing the first and foremost milestone of his/her life. The past decade saw concrete efforts towards education on a global level. Almost every generation becomes a witness to societal changes and educational transformations.

What does the concept of ‘quality education’ involve?

  • The concept of ‘quality education’ includes environments that are conducive, safe, receptive, decisive and gender-sensitive. These environments promote opulent resources and facilities.
  • It involves pursuers who are physically and mentally nourished, participatory, willing to transform and contribute to the extracurricular and curricular development. They are duly backed in their efforts by their families and communities.
  • It endorses and promotes processes by which proficient teachers utilize child-friendly approaches in welcomingly good and favourable classrooms. They deduce skilful assessments/audits to accelerate studies and curb the disparities or gaps.
  • It disseminates/distributes content which is reflective of easiness and materials to help instant or quick absorption of skills and knowledge.
  • The education should highlight the importance of literacy, life skills and knowledge in miscellaneous areas including nutrition, health, gender equality, communal harmony and universal peace.
  • Pinpoint and prioritize outcomes which are inclusive of all and are linked to the national goals for educational excellence and affirmative contributions in society.

How should we define quality education as modern people?
The definition of quality education would reflect a complex system embedded in political, socioeconomic and cultural contexts. The quality education must be open to random transformations and evolutions based on challenges, information and contexts prone to periodic changes. Educational systems that welcome changes through data creation, dissemination, effective usage and self-audits are likely to succeed in allocating quality education to all kinds of learners.

We would define quality education as the education more focused on relentless audits and improvisations on all dimensions. These dimensions include but aren’t restricted to learners, educational environments, quality content, its dissemination, procedures and outcomes. And most learners, communities, educationalists and institutions have realized that things learned in an institute and how the overall process occurs are as important as the access to quality education.

How far can quality education take you and various broader entities in your vicinity?
Education always shines out as one of the most significant investitures a nation could make towards its overall progress. Education is a beacon of transformation that can:

  • Improve health and livelihoods, participate in the actions dedicated to bringing social stability and sociopsychological growth.
  • Distribute among the learners the skills they need to grow into a society of economically prolific and conservative beings.
  • Invest in skills and measure the metrics behind effective learning and outcomes.
  • Bring about the effective didactic approaches to speed up and consolidate the aggregates and skills in and beyond the classroom.
  • Address all kinds of barriers to learning and help keep them at bay.
  • Invest in schools’ infrastructure and allocate systematic platforms of learning under both classroom and virtualized environments.
  • Build a society that is action-oriented and result-oriented and welcomes affirmative changes.
  • Help sustain the quality of life irrespective of the barriers.

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