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Jain International Residential School won The Economic Times Best School Brands 2016

Jain International Residential School won The Economic Times Best School Brands 2016

Jul, 04 2017

India is the second largest country with the majority of populace who are in the K-12 age group, as per the statistical records, and over the years the educational demands have changed massively.

The education system in India has come a long way seeing rapid growth and constant changes. Be it teaching style, infrastructure, quality or syllabus – everything have undergone a huge transformation.

Today in India, the education system lays focus on a child’s aspiration and attributes and considers it as the first priority to be fulfilled. The administration boards have dynamically improved its teaching methodologies and aims to fulfill the uprising demands of the students. Introduction of technology to education has been adapted very well and brought about remarkable improvements in the Indian education sector.

A school plays a vital role in bringing the best out of a student and prepare them to contribute nobly towards the betterment of the society. Right knowledge and skills are key to national development and progress, and to foster such skills education institutes must integrate holistic approaches.

The Economic Times has always believed that education plays a very important role and is a key factor for the development of the nation. It aims to bring the leading K-12 schools under one roof at The Economic Times Best School Brands 2016. It assesses schools across the country based on the quality of education imparted by the schools and facilitates them with the award. The summit also observes the credibility the schools hold.

On this objective,

Here are frequently asked questions.

Which school to join and why?

The school is a home where your child will spend the next 12 years of his/her life.

1. Is the school your child is going to, provide the best of assets?

2. Is it serving your child to learn outside the textbooks?

3. More significant, is it furnished to meet the future?

What is Accreditation?

Accreditation is nothing but validation of a school, program, and learning is evaluated by the experts. If the school or program passes the test, this means that it lives up to its promises to the students. You can trust what the school or program tells you about its courses, its teachers, the facilities it provides and everything which a parent or student wants to know.

How Does Accreditation Help Me Make Smart Choices?

Accreditation is your companion. It guards you because it provides you with a student-friendly brochure to help students, prospective students, parents to understand the value of accreditation and the significance of knowing accredited rankings before making any verdict on whether to attend an institution or program.

Accreditor suggests you ask queries on these areas:
  • Admission requirements.
  • Whether you will be prepared for the career you are opting, can you get a license, for example, to get an admission for your choice profession?
  • How to make sure that the school you are attending is accredited by an authentic accreditor.
  • How to make sure that the program of your choice is certified and guarantees to deliver next level of education. Remember that the institution’s accreditation does not mean that a program is accredited! You have to look for the program.
  • How much you will pay, the total expenses, to attend and earn a qualification.
  • Know about the likely salary the school’s own graduates earn.
  • Whether the teachers are skilled in teaching your courses.
  • The quality assurance in the services delivered is verified.
  • That the school or college is actually meeting the ethics of what it has been accredited or rated for.

Accreditation systems are foremost part of Jain International Residential School. Jain International Residential School is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi, International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP).

The overall purpose of JIRS is to provide, the students with a good opportunity to progress in early childhood education as we have a cutting edge curriculum to deliver the best learning for young children by meeting international standards of quality.

To know more, how Rankings of School have positive impact on decision-making process

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