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Is Your Child Ready for an International School?

Is Your Child Ready for an International School?

Sep, 04 2023

A recent survey shows that there has been an impressive growth of international schools in India and around the world since the 2000s. The number of students studying in international schools was just 3,000, however, the number stands at nearly 5 million globally. These statistics clearly demonstrate the rising popularity of international education among parents around the world.

If you want your child to pursue education at an international school, you must ensure that your child is ready for the journey. The growing popularity doesn’t indicate that your child will be able to grasp the international curriculum with ease. You need to consider different factors that can influence your child’s readiness for an international school. Therefore, to help you in your endeavours, we have come up with some common questions that you must ask yourself and your child before making the final decision.

Is your child academically ready?

Every child is unique to each other and possesses distinct academic skills and knowledge that are required to succeed in an international school. However, if you take your call to enrol your child in an international school, you must assess your child’s ability to read, write, and solve basic mathematics. Additionally, you must also evaluate that your child has basic clarity on core subjects such as science, social studies, and other subjects. As the international curriculum can be more rigorous and demanding than the traditional mode of education, therefore, you must ensure that your child is able to handle the academic pressure. Alternatively, you can reflect on the following questions to check if your child is academically ready to study at an international school:

  • How does your child perform in the current curriculum?
  • Can your child complete the assignments independently or with very little help?
  • Can your child manage time properly and create a balance between academics and extracurricular activities?
  • Is your child equipped with the basic computer literacy required to navigate today’s digital world?

Can your child adapt to any learning environment?

International schools are known to be culturally diverse with children flocking from different cultural, linguistic, and ethnic backgrounds. Although international schools can be a source of learning for your child with respect to cultural diversity, you must also ensure that your child is able to adjust to a diverse learning environment. You must prioritise your child’s adaptability and willingness to learn new things without any external influence. You can assess your child's adaptability level by reflecting on the following questions:

  • Is your child excited about the opportunity to learn about different cultures and languages?
  • Is your child comfortable being around people from different backgrounds and respecting them?
  • Is your child resilient and able to cope with change?
  • Is your child motivated to learn and achieve milestones under new circumstances?

Is your child mature and independent?

International schools are popular for having a more rigorous curriculum than traditional schools and also place a greater emphasis on independent learning. Therefore, you must clearly assess your child’s ability to manage time and learn. Your child must be able to complete the syllabus independently. Furthermore, your child should also be able to make decisions whenever necessary. We have listed a few questions that will help you assess your child’s maturity and independence to start international education.

  • Does your child take complete accountability for actions and decisions?
  • Is your child thoughtful and considerate before making any decision?
  • Can your child handle personal hygiene, belongings, and personal space independently?
  • Can your child build positive relationships with other children and teachers?
  • Is your child aware of self-safety measures and can keep oneself safe during emergencies?

Can your child learn different languages?

Since the language of instruction at the international school is usually English, your child must be fluent in it to understand the textbooks better. Moreover, the curriculum also demands learning new languages besides the native language. Although learning a new language can be a challenge, it is also an important skill to thrive in this globalised society. Moreover, language proficiency can help children grasp the topics better and break the language barrier. They can also participate in group discussions and interact with peers from different linguistic backgrounds. You can reflect on the following questions to see if your child is ready to learn new languages:

  • Is your child curious to learn new languages and be able to communicate with them?
  • Has your child ever been exposed to a foreign language through media or books? Did any of those words grab the attention?
  • Is your child eager to learn new languages through different methods such as textbooks, audio-visual aids, and others?
  • Since learning a new language can be time-consuming, is your child ready to invest time and energy in it?

Way Forward

In conclusion, the surge in international schools is an indicator that people are preferring international education over traditional education. However, this trend doesn't imply that every child is ready to adapt to an international school. As a parent, you must assess your child’s readiness for an international school by evaluating academic preparedness and adaptability to diverse environments. Furthermore, you must also check if your child possesses the maturity and independence to handle the curriculum independently. Besides this, you must also look forward to your child’s interest in learning new languages and mastering effective communication skills. Therefore, by asking these critical questions, you can make an informed decision about your child’s readiness for an international education.

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