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Common Mistakes Made by Students in Similarity of Triangles in CBSE Class 10

Common Mistakes Made by Students in Similarity of Triangles in CBSE Class 10

Oct, 23 2024

Do you remember the exciting triangles from your previous classes? You will get to study about triangles in class 10th also.  You will discover this chapter with the title “Similarity of Triangles”. This is also known as the “Congruency of Triangles”. The chapter on triangles in class 10th is very interesting. While this chapter might look easy to many students, the truth is that some basic mistakes can ruin the whole game! So, what are these small errors? How can you rectify them? Just glance through the common mistakes made by class 10th students in congruent triangles in our blog. More importantly, enlighten yourself on how to tackle these problems.

1. Confusing Congruent Triangles with Similar Triangles

The most common mistake that students make is that they confuse congruent triangles with similar triangles. These concepts look similar but they are different from each other. Congruent triangles are triangles that have all corresponding sides and angles that are equal.

2. Similarity of Triangles Class 10 and Misapplying the Similarity Criteria for Triangles

Another common error while checking the similarity of triangles class 10  is the incorrect use of the similarity criteria for triangles. You should learn and understand the criteria of similarity of triangles class 10 properly. Each of these criteria has some specific conditions. We have summarized the same below:

● AAA (Angle-Angle-Angle)

According to AAA, the triangles are similar when two angles of one triangle are equal to two angles of another.

● SSS (Side-Side-Side)

When the sides of the two triangles are in proportion, the triangles are similar

● SAS (Side-Angle-Side)

When two sides of one triangle are in proportion to two sides of another and the included angle is equal, the triangles are similar

Always review the conditions before choosing which criterion to apply, and you’ll reduce the likelihood of errors in your answers.

3. Incorrect Proportions in Similar Triangles

You must properly understand how to work with proportions in triangles. When students are asked to prove that two triangles are similar or to find unknown sides, they often set up incorrect ratios between corresponding sides.

A helpful tip is to always label the triangles clearly and match the corresponding sides carefully. This simple step can prevent confusion and ensure that your proportion calculations are accurate. Additionally, practising problems with different triangles will help you become more familiar with identifying proportional sides.

4. Forgetting to Apply CPCT in Maths

As a student of class 10th, you must be aware of the concept of CPCT (Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles). You should remember that CPCT in Maths applies only to congruent triangles. It does not apply to similar triangles. This misunderstanding can lead to wrong answers, particularly in multiple-choice or proof-based questions.

While CPCT is essential in proving parts of congruent triangles, in similar triangles, you should focus on establishing proportions and equal angles based on the similarity criteria for triangles.

5. Misunderstanding Basic Geometry Terms

Sometimes, students make errors because they misunderstand basic geometry terms, such as "corresponding" or "included angle". These terms are key to working with the similarity of triangles Class 10 and should be well understood before attempting any questions.

For example, when you see the term "corresponding sides", it refers to the sides in different triangles that match in position relative to the angles. Not understanding such terms can lead to confusion and incorrect answers. Always make sure you have a strong grip on basic terminology.

6. Not Drawing Accurate Diagrams

Another mistake students make is not drawing accurate diagrams. In many cases, diagrams are not drawn to scale, and this leads to errors. Without a correct diagram, it becomes harder to see which sides are in proportion or which angles are equal.

Always take the time to carefully draw your triangles, mark the given information, and label the sides and angles properly. This will make it much easier to apply the correct theorem or property during the exam.

7. Skipping Steps in Proofs

In the pressure of exams, students sometimes skip steps while writing proofs for questions on similarity of triangles Class 10. However, skipping steps often results in marks being deducted. You must mention all the relevant steps.

Whenever proving two triangles are similar, start by identifying the similarity criteria for triangles, then list the corresponding sides or angles, and finally conclude the proof with a statement of similarity.


You must pay attention while studying the similarity of triangles Class 10 chapter. You will not make any mistakes if your concepts are clear.  By avoiding the common mistakes outlined above, you will improve your understanding of the topic and increase your chances of scoring well in your exams. Remember, don’t confuse congruent triangles with similar ones, apply the right criteria of similarity for triangles. Take the time to understand basic geometry terms. Good luck, and keep practising!

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