Class 8 plays a pivotal role in the academic journey of secondary school students. In this grade, The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) students are introduced to the foundational concepts of subjects they will explore further in the higher classes. Eighth-grade students must have a solid understanding of the entire CBSE syllabus of class 8, as this knowledge will guide their learning throughout the year. The syllabus is structured around National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) textbooks and is designed to provide a comprehensive learning experience. Prior awareness of the syllabus allows students to plan their studies for the year effectively. This foresight enhances their confidence and improves their performance in exams, as the final exams are based on the CBSE syllabus of class 8. Let us dive deep into each subject and the topics covered in the respective curricula:
The CBSE class 8 mathematics syllabus includes topics such as basic arithmetic, algebra, geometry, measurement, and data handling. Its primary goal is to develop strong problem-solving abilities and logical thinking in students, helping them apply these concepts effectively in real-life situations. Here is an overview of the subjects covered in the syllabus:
Chapter 1: Rational Numbers
Chapter 2: Linear Equations in one variable
Chapter 3: Understanding Quadrilaterals
Chapter 4: Data Handling
Chapter 5: Squares and Square Roots
Chapter 6: Cubes and Cube Roots
Chapter 7: Comparing Quantities
Chapter 8: Algebraic Expressions and Identities
Chapter 9: Mensuration
Chapter 10: Exponents and Powers
Chapter 11: Direct and Inverse Proportions
Chapter 12: Factorisation
Chapter 13: Introduction to Graphs
The CBSE class 8 English syllabus includes prose, poetry, grammar, and composition. The English Literature section contains the leading English textbook and a Supplementary Reader. In addition to literature, the 8th std CBSE syllabus covers key grammar topics. Here is an overview of the subjects covered in the syllabus:
Section |
Topic |
Writing (English Composition)
Section 1 |
Essay Writing |
Section 2 |
Story Writing |
Section 3 |
Notice Writing |
Section 4 |
Diary Entry |
Section 5 |
Formal and Informal Letter Writing |
Topic 1 |
Direct and Indirect Speech |
Topic 2 |
Order of Words and Clauses |
Topic 3 |
Noun |
Topic 4 |
Pronoun |
Topic 5 |
Verb |
Topic 6 |
Adverb |
Topic 7 |
Active and Passive Voice |
Topic 8 |
Vocabulary |
Topic 9 |
Tenses |
Topic 10 |
Prepositions |
Topic 11 |
Conjunction |
Topic 12 |
Phrases and Idioms |
Topic 13 |
Comprehension Reading |
English Literature 1: From Honeydew Book (Prose) |
Chapter 1 |
The Best Christmas Present in the World |
Chapter 2 |
The Tsunami |
Chapter 3 |
Glimpses of the Past |
Chapter 4 |
Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory |
Chapter 5 |
The Summit Within |
Chapter 6 |
This is Jody’s Fawn |
Chapter 7 |
A Visit to Cambridge |
Chapter 8 |
A Short Monsoon Diary |
Chapter 9 |
The Great Stone Face-I |
Chapter 10 |
The Great Stone Face-II |
Poetry (From Honeydew Book)
Poem 1 |
The Ant and the Cricket |
Poem 2 |
Geography Lesson |
Poem 3 |
Macavity: The Mystery Cat |
Poem 4 |
The Last Bargain |
Poem 5 |
The SchoolBoy |
Poem 6 |
The Duck and the Kangaroo |
Poem 7 |
When I set out for Lyonnesse |
Poem 8 |
On the Grasshopper and Cricket |
English Literature 2: From It So Happened Book
Chapter 1 |
How the Camel Got His Hump |
Chapter 2 |
Children at Work |
Chapter 3 |
The Selfish Giant |
Chapter 4 |
The Treasure Within |
Chapter 5 |
Princess September |
Chapter 6 |
The Fight |
Chapter 7 |
The Open Window |
Chapter 8 |
Jalebis |
Chapter 9 |
The Comet – I |
Chapter 10 |
The Comet – II |
The CBSE syllabus for class 8 science consists of 18 chapters covering essential topics such as matter, energy, force, and the environment. This CBSE class 8 syllabus aims to make learning science engaging and enjoyable, encouraging students to think critically about the functioning of various phenomena. Here is an overview of the subjects covered in the syllabus:
Chapter 1: Crop Production and Management
Chapter 2: Microorganisms: Friend and Foe
Chapter 3: Coal and Petroleum
Chapter 4: Combustion and Flame
Chapter 5: Conservation of Plants and Animals
Chapter 6: Reproduction in Animals
Chapter 7: Reaching the Age of Adolescence
Chapter 8: Force and Pressure
Chapter 9: Friction
Chapter 10: Sound
Chapter 11: Chemical Effects of Electric Current
Chapter 12: Some Natural Phenomena
Chapter 13: Light
Chapter 14: Food
The CBSE class 8 Hindi syllabus aims to improve students' language proficiency, expand their vocabulary, and foster a deeper appreciation for Hindi literature. This CBSE class 8 syllabus also introduces students to a range of literary works, providing a balanced approach to learning. Here is an overview of the subjects covered in the syllabus:
पुस्तक का नाम |
अध्याय |
वसंत |
1. लाख की चूड़ियाँ (कहानी) |
2. बस की यात्रा |
3. दीवानों की हस्ती (किवता) |
4. भगवान के डाकिए (किवता) |
5. क्या निराश हुआ जाए (निबंध) |
6. यह सब से किठन समय नहीं (किवता) |
7. कबीर की साखियां |
8. सुदामा चरित (किवता) |
9. जहाँ पिहया है |
10. अकबरी लोटा (कहानी) |
11. सूरदास के पद (किवता) |
12. पानी की कहानी (निबंध) |
13. बाज और साँप (कहानी) |
दूर्वा |
1. गुड़िया |
2. दो गोरैया |
3. चिट्ठियों मैं यूरोप |
4. ओस |
5. नाटक मैं नाटक |
6. सागार यात्रा |
7. उठ किसान ओ |
8. सस्ते का चक्कर |
9. एक खिलाड़ी की कुछ यादें |
10. बस की सैर |
11. हिंदी ने जनकी जंदगी बदल दी |
12. आषाढ़ का पहला दिन |
13. अन्याय के खिलाफ |
14. बच्चों के प्रिय श्री केशव शंकर पिल्लै |
15. फर्श पर |
16. बूढ़ी अम्मा की बात |
17. वह सुबह कभी तो आएगी |
18. आओ पित्रका निकाले |
19. आह्वाहन |
भारत की खोज |
1. अहमदनगर का किला |
2. तलाश |
3. सिंधु घाटी सभ्यता |
4. युगों का दौर |
5. नयी समस्याएँ |
6. अंतिम दौर - एक |
7. अंतिम दौर - दो |
8. तनाव |
9. दो प्रष्टभूमियाँ - भारतीय और अंग्रेजी’ |
संक्षिप्त बुद्धचरित |
1. आरंभिक जीवन |
2. अभिनिष्क्रमण |
3. ज्ञान प्राप्त |
4. धर्मचक्र प्रवर्तन |
5. महापरिनिवार्ण |
The CBSE class 8 syllabus for social science provides an in-depth study of fundamental subjects that help shape our understanding of the world. It covers key areas such as history, geography, political science, and economics. This 8th class CBSE syllabus is designed to actively involve students in exploring the past, present, and future of society. Here is an overview of the subjects covered in the syllabus:
Unit |
Topics |
Unit 1: History – Our Pasts – III |
- How, When, and Where |
- From Trade to Territory: The Company Establishes Power |
- Ruling the Countryside |
- Tribals, Dikus, and the Vision of a Golden Age |
- When People Rebel: 1857 and After |
- Colonialism and the City: The Story of an Imperial Capital |
- Weavers, Iron Smelters, and Factory Owners |
- Civilising the “Native”, Educating the Nation |
Unit 2: Geography – Resource and Development |
- Resources |
- Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation, and Wildlife Resources |
- Mineral and Power Resources |
- Agriculture |
- Industries |
- Human Resources |
Unit 3: Civics – Social and Political Life – III |
- The Indian Constitution |
- Understanding Secularism |
- Why Do We Need a Parliament? |
- Understanding Laws |
- Judiciary |
- Understanding Our Criminal Justice System |
- Understanding Marginalisation |
- Confronting Marginalisation |
- Public Facilities |
- Law and Social Justice |
Unit 4: Economics – Understanding Economic Development |
- What is Economics? |
- Sectors of the Indian Economy |
- Money and Credit |
- Globalisation and the Indian Economy |
- Consumer Rights |
Understanding the CBSE syllabus of class 8 allows the students to manage the entire year proficiently. The curriculum integrates core mathematics, science, social studies, and language competencies, thus providing exposure to meaningful knowledge and good thinking abilities. In mathematics, the students are taken through the chapters of algebra, geometry, and data handling, while in science, the basics of matter, energy and the environment are taught. English literature and grammar add to their mastery of the English language, and social science educates the child in history, geography and civics. Mastering these subjects is beneficial for passing exams and helps develop an interest towards the surrounding world!
To score 90% in class 8, follow these key steps:
Familiarise yourself with the syllabus to know what to study. Plan your study schedule to ensure you cover all topics thoroughly.
Practice regularly and seek help from a study buddy or teacher when needed.
Strengthen your understanding of basic concepts before exploring advanced topics.
Prioritise tasks and manage your time with a structured timetable. You can also efficiently use resources like libraries and the Internet to study.
A class 8 student should dedicate 2-3 hours daily to studying, including school lessons and homework.
You can download the CBSE syllabus from its official website, You can also access the syllabus online on different platforms.
To prepare effectively for the Class 8 Hindi exam, you must thoroughly understand the syllabus, including chapters from textbooks like Vasant, Durva, and Bharat Ki Khoj. Mastering key concepts such as grammar and vocabulary will help you score well on the exams.
Class 8 maths syllabus consists of 16 chapters in total.
The most challenging chapter in CBSE Class 8 Maths often varies depending on individual strengths. However, Algebraic Expressions and Identities are usually challenging as students need to understand and apply algebraic identities, which can be tricky, mainly when simplifying expressions. Another tough chapter is linear equations in One Variable, which involves solving equations, often with fractions or word problems.
In class 8, every chapter in the maths syllabus plays a crucial role. Students should align their preparation with the syllabus for their final or mid-term exams.
The Class 8 CBSE English syllabus includes:
Honeydew – Textbook in English for Class 8
Chapter 1: The Best Christmas Present in the World
Poem: The Ant and the Cricket
Chapter 2: The Tsunami
Poem: Geography Lesson
Chapter 3: Glimpses of the Past
Chapter 4: Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory
Poem: The Last Bargain
Chapter 5: The Summit Within
Poem: The School Boy
Chapter 6: This is Jody’s Fawn
Chapter 7: A Visit to Cambridge
Chapter 8: A Short Monsoon Diary
Poem: On the Grasshopper and Cricket
It So Happened – Supplementary Reader in English for Class 8
Chapter 1: How the Camel Got His Hump
Chapter 2: Children at Work
Chapter 3: The Selfish Giant
Chapter 4: The Treasure Within
Chapter 5: Princess September
Chapter 6: The Fight
Chapter 7: Jalebis
Chapter 8: Ancient Education System of India
Order of Words and Clauses
Direct and Indirect Speech
Active and Passive Voice
Phrases and Idioms
Comprehension Reading
Writing Skills
Topics include writing formats like letter writing, story writing, notice writing, diary entry, and essay writing
Chapter 1 of the CBSE science syllabus for class 8 is "Crop Production and Management".
The Class 8 Science syllabus includes the following chapters: Crop Production and Management, Microorganisms: Friend and Foe, Synthetic Fibres and Plastics, Materials: Metals and Non-metals, Coal and Petroleum, Combustion and Flame, Conservation of Plants and Animals, Reproduction in Animals, Force and Pressure, Friction, Sound, Chemical Effects of Electric Current, Some Natural Phenomena, Light, and Food.
In Class 8 science, chapters are ranked according to their importance based on their subject focus and application to further studies. Each chapter builds a strong foundation for understanding key scientific principles, so paying attention to all is essential.
The CBSE syllabus for class 8 comprises five subjects: English, Hindi, Science, Mathematics, Social Science, and Technology.
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