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7 Creative Ways to Promote Physical Fitness in Kids

7 Creative Ways to Promote Physical Fitness in Kids

Mar, 14 2022

Did you know that it is recommended for growing kids to engage in 60 minutes of physical activity every day and according to studies only one out of four kids is able to do that! Children love to play, however as they grow with other engagements like school and other extracurricular activities their play time drops dramatically curbing physical activities as regular part of their daily life.

In addition to health benefits, physical activities strengthen mental and behavioral health of kids which in longer run makes your child optimistic, enthusiastic and confident. Engaging in physical activities boosts academic performance of students and reduces risks of anxiety, tension and depression in future and enhances the humanitarian aspect of them.

As a parent you have an important role in encouraging and promoting physical fitness in your kid. We have listed some suggestion below:

  1. It's important for your child to understand why physical activity is important. Your child's doctor can also help you and your child identify sports or activities that may be appropriate. Having your child's physician explain the importance of physical activity to your child will help your child understand the importance of physical activity. You can also have your child's physician help you determine which sports and activities might be right for your child.
  2. You can help your child find a sport that she enjoys. The more fun she has, the more likely she will continue it. Engage your whole family. It is a great way to share time together.
  3. Pick a sport that is developmentally appropriate for your child. Children aged 7 and up aren't ready to lift weights or run 3 miles, but soccer, bicycle riding, and swimming are all well-suited activities for them at this age.
  4. Provide a safe environment for your child to play and exercise. Make sure your child's equipment and the location where they play or practice are safe. You must also ensure that their clothing is appropriate and comfortable for the activity.
  5. Organize a time and place for your child to exercise. Provide then with activity encouraging toys and sports activities. Young children, in particular, need easy access to balls, jump ropes, and other active toys.
  6. Children who regularly see their parents participating in sports or physical activity are more likely to do so themselves. Encourage physical activities by associating with your child in physical activities. Help them learn a new sport or physical activity. Or just have fun together with activities like cycling or hiking or swimming together.
  7. Utilize your kid’s free time to encourage more physical activities. Limit the time they spend watching TV, watching videos, playing video games, or using computers.

As like any other activity, it's important to avoid overdoing it. If exercise interferes with school or other activities, your child should opt for a less strenuous activity. Exercise should not hurt. If it does, your child should slow down, or try a less strenuous activity.

Physical fitness is an important contributor for the health and well-being of children. With regular physical activities children develop healthy bones, muscles and joints. Additionally, it magnifies their immunity, helps in maintaining a healthy body mass index, reduces risk of juvenile diabetes/ blood sugar, hypertension, heart problems, respiratory disorders, cholesterol and obesity in later life. It also helps in tuning of the bio clock of your kids!

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